Sunday, February 15, 2009

Animal Cookies

This picture is from mom's camera. I have no idea where she took this picture at though. The reason for today's post is animal cookies. My children still to this day love these things. They're low in fat, calories, etc. so I still occasionally buy them for them. I buy the generic kind the huge value kind. Well the other day when the kids showed me one I was a little shocked. This animal cookie looked like a CAT. I looked over several of these little things, and couldn't figure out for the life of me what else this animal could be. I was a little upset about know me not focusing on the state of the world or anything just absorbed in this animal cookie thing. If any of you have these particular cookies at home and know what else this animal is please by all means let me know.

1 comment:

Linda said...

The picture was taken at Frankie's.
By the you have trouble eating an animal cookie because it is a cat? The shape of a camel is better??? Love...Mom