Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Chubby Girl Post

I know the picture is lacking togetherness, but it will have to do for this post. I also know that so many of you have been missing the original chubby girl post. Today we will be discussing some of the things that chubby girls come in contact with daily that create problems, and how to compensate.
  1. 1. A chubby girl with a large behind may struggle with the height chart. Here's why. You are asked to place your heels at the back of the wall, maybe it's just me, but I can not complete this task. How do you compensate? Well a chubby girl will either suck it in and stand tall, or topple over trying to attempt it.
  2. If something has to be moved in a room full of women they will point to the chubby girl and say I'm sure she can probably move it. How do you compensate? Walk over and move it, or act like you're trying and don't budge it.
  3. The fashion world. I don't need to go here, but for the benefit of the post I will. A chubby girl knows she looks good no matter what and if you are feeling bad about yourself one day add an accessory. It just makes everything better. No matter what believe in yourself, and know beyond a shadow of a doubt you look great.
  4. Now I know this last point will get some giggles, but please pay attention to it. Do not I repeat do not work out during your lunch break of half an hour. No matter what the great intentions are here just don't do it. Chubby girl or skinny girl it doesn't matter there is just no need to work out in the middle of your work day. How do you compensate? Work out any other time of the day and if co workers want you to go with them during lunch for a work out tell them you already did.


Anonymous said...

Although I'm not a fan of chubby girl rules, I did like the one about the scales. I always thought if I sucked my gut in and held my breath I would weigh less.

Danielle said...

uh oh. I am a lunch time work outer...well, since I've gotten MORE chubby during pregnancy..not so much. Now I take naps during lunch. Oh well

Anonymous said...

Dieting never worked for us while we were teenagers why would it work now. Girl Scout cookies being the snack of choice, as I remember. I watch my children grow I seem to dream of my past, how they take you back. I do miss Michelle, wendy jo, Danielle, Shawna,etc.. Your children are beautiful, and Linda has not aged. Wendy you turned out to be a beautiful woman. God Bless

Traci Morris Bowlin

Anonymous said...
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