Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Embroidery Quilt

Yes I went ahead and tried embroidery with a crash course via telephone from my cousin Christy. I fell in love with it!! I went ahead and tried it out on a quilt I was making for Maddie's wrestlerette advisor. The embroidery was fine, the squares were fine, the borders were was the backing that brought me to tears. I was pushing it super close to the deadline, I tried a different backing than I originally planned. The seam ripper & I became the best of friends needless to say. It wasn't exactly how I envisioned it, but it was still lovely. I quilt with a purpose meaning for summer quilts lighter batting, winter quilts heavy batting, and certain fabrics for different things. That being said this one is one of those quilts you display or tuck away in a hope chest. I didn't design it to be that type, but that's how the recipient chose to use it.

It was her senior banquet, and most of the girls didn't have a lot of money to chip in for a gift. Since she was captain, and the responsibility fell on her we decided on the quilt since we already had most of the material. She helped me iron pieces and sew and she even did one of the embroidery squares after school. As proud as she was of the quilt her speech and presentation of it to her advisor had me holding back the sobbing tears. She was giving her speech while the senior wrestlers held the quilt out for all to see while she talked of how much her advisor had meant to her and the rest of the girls. After the presentation she not only received applause, but standing applause. I couldn't have been prouder of the young woman who stood before me.


Danielle said...

such a nice idea! I love quilting (or the idea of it!) in actuality, I'm not very good at it in spite of Grandma Margies tutoring:(

Unknown said...

Now Danielle I am far far far from my grandmothers ability, but I do like to tinker.