Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Year In Review

I guess it's really been awhile since I blogged last. In case any of you are still out there. Here's my year in review. I've lost 50 lbs, and 67 inches. I've done numerous 5K walks. I've enjoyed life more than I ever have before. I am amazed and blessed to have my children all growing into fine young adults. My next post will be about them. For this one, it's about me. I have grown as a person this year. I still stumble, but I've learned to keep getting back up and not get stuck in why me's or self pity. It's a huge growth step. I hope you all had a great holiday season!!

1 comment:

Danielle said...

You look awesome, Shell! My Gram told me she ran into you and you were looking slim and trim!! Congrats on the weight loss and excercise. I'm hoping to join you on the loser's bench this coming year :)