The Snowball
Yes I'm aware I haven't posted in awhile, and I'm also aware that the title and the picture are not going together very well. The title of this post isn't about the extreme cold temps we have been getting or the lovely amount of snow all over the place as I look out the window. The title is more of a metaphor. I believe it was last week when I read my cousin Danielle's blog about her washer woes I instantly cringed about her situation and then immediately began praying blessing on her and her husband. The snowball effect is hard one little thing goes wrong and it snowballs. Well a day or so after reading her post I began to have my own snowball effect going on, but I kept thinking I'm not going to let this snowball inside me. I kept visualizing a hot torch melting the snowball of my own pity party inside me. (Yes believe it or not I do have an occasional pity party for myself) For every one thing that happened I forced myself to do something nice, or take a regroup moment. By the time I fell down my front steps from the ice I didn't even think that this event was a snowball, but a weird twist of karma coming back to me after chuckling at my sister last winter. So finally the picture is not me complaining about the weather, but reminding myself that summer isn't far away.
I love your post! I think we all need a visual of warmer days! Keep the good thoughts up...maybe they will rub off on the rest of us!
Hey, thanks for praying for me! We appreciate it! Our pipes unfroze..and nothing broke. I guess we couldn't complain too much.
Just think, summer is just around teh corner...right?!
I like this post. It makes me think that maybe warmer days really are coming!! I hope you did not get hurt too bad falling down the steps.
winter will soon be over spring will
soon be here ground hog day be here
soon maybe he will stay in his hole
wont see his show.stay warm god bless love you all.
Pa Paw and Ma Maw.
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