Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The lost photos

That's right I'm titling this post the lost photos. These are the Christmas photos I didn't want no one to see. I had gained the weight back over the fall and winter. I didn't want to believe it myself so I denied it, and stayed away from the scale. I joined weight watchers in mid January. I have lost 39.4 pounds, and 58 inches. It quite possibly could be the slowest weight loss possible for me, but it's staying off, and I'm losing slowly. I've gained an entire new group of friends, and I'm more active than I've been in years and years. All the health benefits are showing up again as I knew they would. I'll keep you posted.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Bub's New Haircut

As most of you know we are huge Ohio State fans at my house. Brandon couldn't wait till Uncle Matt got up here to work his magic on his hair. He was so excited, he made me drive him around town just to strut his new haircut. His dad was just as happy he emailed his picture to all of his friends. Brandon is now hitting me up to get a new Ohio State jersey to go with his haircut....of course he is.

The 5K

This is my group who walked the 5K with me. A great group of ladies. I can't tell you how happy this whole 5K made me. I had a good pace and a flowing stride going. The next walk is the 3 day breast cancer walk in Sept. or Oct. I'm not that far ahead on scheduling yet. I'll get back to you on that.